Afternoon Tea Set 580台湾ドル(約2,146 円)
嗨我是Julie,今天我在中山的ACHOl喝下午茶~ 餐廳非常的寬敞,燈飾也很有設計感,桌上還擺試著可愛的棉花呢~這是下午茶套餐~看起來是不是很好吃啊~♫試吃的起司蛋糕口感香濃非常美味,最後喝洋甘菊熱茶,喝起來真的覺得幸福呢♥
Hi this is Julie, I'm now at the ACHOI cafe for enjoying tea time, let's go! Beautiful interior objects and wide space make me feel relaxed, I love this cotton flower on the table most! Here is the afternoon tea set, it's amazing that so many cakes on the plate ~ umm, Cheese cake tastes creamy and delicious!! Finish the teatime with hot camomile tea, the perfume of tea really makes people feel at ease. Let's have a happy tea time at ACHOI cafe next time if you love:)
ACHOI 當代料理餐廳
住所 | 台北市中山北路二段57-1號1樓(amba 台北中山意舍酒店) |