嗨我是C CHANNEL Clipper Julie 今天要介紹我身上的穿搭~雪紡材質的這款上衣穿上去很顯瘦,可以遮住肚子也有氣質✨我手上的手錶還有小花點綴很別緻唷~ 褲子部分選擇合身的黑色長褲,看起來腿會比較細比較長,然後高跟鞋是細跟的魚口鞋,有平台走起來會比較穩唷!今天的穿搭休閒又大方,不管是看電影或是吃飯都很適合喔~♫
Hi this is Julie from C CHANNEL. I'll share how to coordinate my clothes today. Chiffon wear with this silhouette not only can cover the belly area but also looks elegant. Black skinny pants will make your leg looks slender and the same color of stiletto with a high thick sole also help you stable when working. It's suitable for any situation like dating or having lunch surely, let's enjoy it!
腕時計 Bade 1280元(約4659円)
靴 Charles & Keith 4280元(約15579円)
Faery Love
住所 | 台北市敦化南路一段100巷13號 |