""哈囉大家好我是C Channel Clipper Judy Chou~ 今天跟大家介紹我耳朵上這個可愛的耳~環~! 飾品的品牌叫""""PARADISE by Hello Heaven"""",品牌主要是走暗黑風,由金屬,鍊條,皮與黑色籠布等素材拼接起來創造出暗黑中帶著小華麗的感覺~ 我身上戴的這也是他們的作品,華麗的相筐項鍊!還可以拿起來自己照一下鏡子XD 除了項鍊也有戴在中指上的潮流戒指,最後推薦這家的脖鍊,而且所有飾品都幾百元而已,不只酷炫又平價的品牌,大推!!
Hi all this is Judy Chou ~ How about this cute earrings? This is made by """"PARADISE by Hello Heaven"""", it's so adorable, right? All of accessaries are made with selected materials like metals, chains, leathers and black clothes and created with the style of dark and gorgeous. This gilded frame pendant is also a product of its brand, umm really pretty~! Surprisingly, all those accessaries like rings and chokers are available at a reasonable price!! Let's try it!