台北のここでお茶するのは贅沢すぎるほど嬉しい!【VVG Thinking】
陳年黑酒醋櫻桃蘇打(お酢+チェリーソーダ) 220台湾ドル(約812円)
キャラメルライスプリン 160台湾ドル(約591円)
今天我在華山的「好漾思維」VVG Thinking喔!有來過的人就會知道這裡的裝潢真的是非常用心,很美很夢幻!來到華山我一定都會來紅磚區走走,自然就會來這裡喝杯果醋特調囉~他們的餐點都很特別精緻,像我點的米布丁也很好吃!風景美食物優,女孩們的下午茶秘密基地~
The VVG Thinking café is definitely one of my favorite afternoon tea place in Taipei area! It's located in C hall of HuaShan 1914, hidden at the corner. With so many beautiful interiors and lights, actually it's like a wonder land only for you. Drinks and desserts are all hand made and taste great! I tried black vinegar with cherry soda and rice pudin. Try next time yourself!
好樣思維 VVG Thinking
住所 | 台北市中正區杭州北路紅磚六合院 C 棟華山文創產業園區 |
電話 | +886 2 2322 5573 |
ウェブ | http://vvgvvg.blogspot.jp/ |