特上ひつまぶし(汁物付き) 4167円(税抜)
Trying out the famous Nagoya dish, Hitsumabushi!
Hitsumabushi meaning grilled eel on rice, is the most famous dish in
Nagoya. Eel is slit open along the belly and grilled whole without
steaming, which is the Nagoya style of cooking eel. We came to a Maruya,one of the top Hitsumabushi restaurant in Nagoya. I definitely recommend their Hitsumabushi. The eel was very soft, even the bone were soft thatyou do not need to pick out anything.
Another special style of Hitsumabushi is that you can try pouring broth on top of the dish and enjoy it in another taste. Personally, I enjoy the dish without broth, but do try out both styles before you make yourdecision!
まるや本店 名駅店
住所 | 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅1-2-1名鉄百貨店9F |
電話 | 052-585-7108 |
ウェブ | http://www.maruya-honten.com |